Invest in the heart of Bishop

We’re funding adaptive reuse real estate projects and impactful businesses in the growing Eastern Sierra gateway region of California.

About River Queen Holdings

The strategy: produce attractive risk adjusted returns by renovating and expanding Main Street real estate and developing businesses that foster a thriving local economy in the Eastern Sierra.

The mixed Opportunity Zone fund offers significant tax advantages for qualified investors.

The goal: reinvigorate the heart of Bishop with a thriving, conscious, and sustainable model while setting a new standard for green building and business.

Projects will create jobs, and increase cultural collateral, wellness, and economic and food sovereignty for the remote rural region. 

River Queen News

“From Maine to Mississippi, historic downtowns offer authentic architecture, community art, and legacy businesses that showcase American ideals and dreams like nowhere else.

And as the nation renews its appreciation for locally owned small businesses, these dynamic and bustling places don’t just reflect our past; they show our future.”

— Preservation Magazine, 2016

Projects Overview

Fund Overview

OZ Benefits

Reach out to learn more

Take advantage of significant capital gains tax benefits and attractive risk adjusted returns while aligning your funds with community and environmentally conscious values.